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Merseyside Youth Association

Training films on suicide prevention

A short, but powerful documentary in which parents who have lost their children to suicide talk candidly about their tragic experiences. Actress, Julie Hesmondhalgh explores the groups of children and young people at particular risk of suicide and explains why it’s more important than ever to tackle the stigma associated with talking about our mental health and what should be done to break down these barriers.



Suicide Safety Planning

This film features a series of questions posed to five young people with different experiences. It gives an insight into how young people process feelings of suicide and the tools and techniques they use to keep themselves safe. You can find a range of useful films, practical tools and resources that can help a young person understand their thoughts of suicide and keep them safe on the Liverpool CAMHS website.


The RAISE Team featured in two podcasts focused on suicide prevention.

The RAISE Team featured in two recent podcasts focused on suicide prevention. This first podcast was part of the ‘Mindful Merseyside’ series hosted by LJMU and featuring Lucy Oliver from MYA’s RAISE Team, LJMU’s Dr Emma Ashworth and the ‘3 Dads Walking’ that raise awareness across the country and funds for Papyrus, the Suicide Prevention charity.

The second podcast, hosted by Papyrus as part of Children’s Mental Health Week 2024, was titled ‘Your Voice Matters’. It focused on the importance of Safety Plans, a crucial intervention tool that highlights voice and choice. Papyrus was joined by Lucy Oliver from MYA’s RAISE Team and Siobhan Keating from YPAS to discuss the importance of valuing children and young people’s voices.